Sandman Finance Layer 3 — Despair Introduction

Main Features of Despair

Sandman Finance
2 min readOct 3, 2021

It’s our great pleasure to present to you Sandman Finance Layer 3: Despair.
After a great Layer 2, it’s time to see how we’ll continue on this 7 layer path.

Let’s dive in the dream!

Despair Main Features

Launch Strategy: Fair Launch

Is our goal to provide the best scenario for our investors, and also to mix and match different strategies to get the best results.

Token Launch: October 6th Approx.
Farming Starts: October 11th Approx.

For more info please check:

Delirium Layer 2 to Layer 3 Continuity

We are proud to announce our partnership with JetFuelFinance. They are going to be our “Continuity” Partners.

Our great community will be able to Stake Delirium-USDC LP in our platform, and Earn Despair.

For more info, please check here:

NFT Generation 1

We are proud to present our original artwork Delirium NFTs. This is the second generation of NFTs from the Sandman Universe.

In here, you’ll see Delirium getting in shape.
Battles are coming! Stay Tuned.

Partnerships, Gray Kindoms and More!

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Sandman Finance

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